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Усилители включаются и сразу выключаются?

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Hello everybody. I will describe the problem - three weeks ago, I was doing something odd with the car and turned off the head unit. Amplifiers (3 pieces) remained in the car, connected to the power supply, but did not turn on. Today I plug in the mafon, and one amplifier out of three turned on. Amplifiers dd dmf1600 - did not turn on, md lab ammd5 - did not turn on, alphard hlx2000 - turned on. At what they turn on - that is, the green  https://omegle.onl/ https://xender.vip/ lamp  on the mustache lights up, and then they turn off.I tried everything - I threw remot on the amplifiers directly from the battery, turned off the interblocks, turned off the acoustic ones, turned off the regulators - everything ended up turning on and immediately turning off the amplifiers. There are no pops or noise from the speakers. The subwoofer amplifier is fully operational. Naturally, before the head unit was turned off, the music worked properly, without jambs. 

Изменено пользователем AlejandroMaximu
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