I sent you this email through my IASCA email address also, but I am sending it through my hotmail as well, in case you didn't receive the other copy. This email was sent to all IASCA Affiliates to review, for the possible change of IdBL classes for the 2012 season. Please read it through then open the attachment. Thank you!
Over the last five years, we have seen a steady decline in the participation of competitors at SPL events that utilize test tones in competitions. The decline isn’t just in IASCA IdBL, but also with other organizations as well and the trend is continuing. We need to find a way to bring competitors back into the competition lanes and offer them a competition format that is attractive and gives them the best opportunity to be competitive among their peers.
During this time period, one constant suggestion has been made by many of our friends around the world… “What about a trunk class?”. This suggestion has great validity, as many competitors who compete with sedan vehicles that have a trunk feel they are at a huge disadvantage in competition and refuse to compete because of that. Therefore, IASCA has begun to look at this possibility very closely and how we could incorporate it into IdBL competition.
Over the last few weeks we have been working on a proposal designed to maintain the integrity of IdBL competition while giving all competitors (old and new) the opportunity to compete against their peers in a fun and competitive format. I have finalized an “IdBL matrix” that highlights the proposed general rules for 2012 and would like to receive your input, suggestions and comments. Please review it (attached) and send me your thoughts.
In closing, please remember that this is a proposal only and not the final copy of the rules for 2012. We need your input into the possibility of these potential classes being viable, so that we can update the rules so they are beneficial to your countries and their members.
Any changes to the IdBL rules for 2012 must be finalized by the end of December for announcement at CES in January, so I ask all of you to please review this sheet at your earliest convenience and send me your comments. I look forward to your replies!
ну как я и думал что к этому все и идет
и так до канца января жду ваших пожиланий по изменению в классах
на info@rasca-russia.ru