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152.3 db - playing music - videos and pictures

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Cool, man:good:


What score you did on the burps?

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amps, subs construction of enclosure ?

Титанат от БасКлуба
Упакуйся по полной - ЗАКАЗАТЬ

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amps, subs construction of enclosure ?


Subs are a bastard mix of RD Audio Motor, Ecnowind coils, TC sounds spiders, and a 6 spoke basket. Amplifiers are two Zenon 5kw's and im only using one amp at the moment, the other amp is a spare.


For detailed pictures of the build up of the jeep, look here :


Here is another video :




Изменено пользователем snoopdan
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Hi man! :) That is one more cool install! But i never saw personally any "hairtricks" around. Please tell us a little more about how can it possible to reach such effect!? I got that you use only 5K of power to reach it but how about box tuning - how low it is? All these things are very intresting for many of us so please feel free to tell us as much as you think it possible - we all want to know more!

DDAudio, SoundQubed, NTA

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