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Он такто тему даже создавал....:wink:


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Team Kicx !

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I have a GZNW 15SPL. It's real power! was 30Hz box ported and Hifonics Colossus LTD on 2ohm (142+ on 30Hz and 146+ on 40Hz on music). now rebuild, because I bought DD Z2LV. I want to build band-pass 4 for this monster! ::hair::

p.s. Sorry, my english is bad

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my friend with nw15spl hit a 145 ,7 on final :)


but i was a winner with 155,7

now i ll change some of my sysetem ....

and thinking with who subs will better,,

this is video ... 8 x 12 extreme on a 2x 4000 plutonims amps....

for next year ,,, 2x 10 000 plutoniums :greeting:

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Can it is necessary to try subwoofers of other producer? I recommend to look at bass warrior.



Team Bitcoin Bassclub

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Can it is necessary to try subwoofers of other producer? I recommend to look at bass warrior.





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my target for 2013 is to hit a 160 db from 20 to 30 hz ...

i will try with this subs 8 x 30spl extreme ... but with more battery ,, and bigger amps not 2 x 4000 plutonuims a 2 x 10 000 plutonioums..

can i hit bigger result with 8 x gznw12x ??

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hands is the best..the rest is just extras :smile:


i think use what you have..with another amps..and if you will be not happy with the score,you can change subs..



good luck with 160@20-30hz :hi:

Изменено пользователем QBouNaZ


Its not the end,Just another begin

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maybe..its extra 12kw if you can get everything from the amps...

at least 6-8..


its always easy to shift the equipment.. :wink::smile:


Its not the end,Just another begin

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